

At present, software has the following features:

  • both command line and graphical user interface version available,
  • running 3D FDTD on processor (CPU) or graphics cards (GPU),
  • support for multiple threads on processor,
  • up to 80 times faster calculation on GPU than on CPU,
  • use of several Yee algorithm implementations (depending on material parameters) to save memory and time,
  • reflecting and absorbing boundary conditions (Liao, CPML), periodic boundary conditions,
  • point sources, total/scattered field source,
  • plane wave and focused source spanning over layers (infinitely extending media),
  • time domain Near-Field to Far-Field transformation,
  • different materials (linear, PEC, RC, ADE and PLRC based),
  • predefined database of optical properties for more of 150 different materials
  • computational geometry input from simple geometric entities, Tetgen tetrahedral mesh or Gwyddion height fields
  • output to Gwyddion files (see and other different output possibilities (e.g. local absorption).

More algorithms are being added successively.

(c) Petr Klapetek, 2013